Saturday, March 26, 2011

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The Beauty Industry and Missed Opportunities: Part 1 of a 2 Part Series
In business, we've all played the "if I only knew then what I know now . . . " game. And yes, most - if not all - of us would lunge at the opportunity to jump into a time machine and emerge at the fabled right place at the right time: say, just before a wild stock market surge, or just as valuably, right before an impending crash.
But of all of the "if I only knew then what I know now" ponderings, the ones that are the most painful - the ones that keep us up at night, lamenting not just what might have been, but what should have been - are the opportunities that we let slip right through our very own fingers.
Those are the opportunities that sting the longest and cut the deepest, because in hindsight we see, with tragic clarity, that they were actually designed for us. Those opportunities came knocking at our door, and all we really needed to do was turn the doorknob, let them in, and reap the life-changing rewards. But for a variety of reasons - call it destiny, bad luck, or anything else - we missed it. And so the knocking stopped, the door remained closed, and the opportunity went elsewhere.
Top Missed Opportunities (and Blunders) in Tech History
If reflecting on missed opportunities has you feeling pretty lousy, then take heart: at least you didn't make PC World's harshly (but accurately!) entitled "The Top 10 Stupidest Tech Company Blunders" list. Indeed, while you may occasionally lie awake in bed at night wondering "what might have been," the folks on this list are probably knee-deep in therapists by this point.

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